Thursday 26 March 2015

Baby Business: Week 12, Why Mummy why?

Downloaded software for ‘Scout the Dog’. Tick
Sussed out how to program ‘Scout the Dog’. Tick
Pondered how baby’s toys got so advanced. Tick!

Pain, blood, tears and poo - another week with my little girl. 

That day had arrived, the day all new mums dread... the day we allow our tiny little babies to be stabbed (and not once but twice). Inoculations round one. 

My giggly bubbly baby sat beautifully as the nurse checked she had the right patient (!?). Just as Little One was throwing the nurse one of her award-winning smiles, the nurse stuck a needle in to her leg – immediate transformation from harmonious beauty to wide-eyed screeching baby. A flurry of soothing noises and multiple jiggles on the knee and Little One began to calm down, just in time for jab number two in the other leg, this time drawing blood. Oh, that look of pure horror and confusion. You could just hear her thoughts, "Why? Why would you do that to me? Why Mummy why?” Oh the heart strings...

And it all happens again in 4 weeks. Maybe this is a job for Granny?!

For those of you (like me) in the dark about the potential side-effects of baby’s first jabs, then I would like to bring a very special one to your attention.
Yes they can be very dozy for a few days.
Yes they can end up sleeping quite a bit.
Yes their legs can be a bit tender.
But the best? Mass bottom explosions! 

Wow, how can such a delicate beautiful little girl produce so much from her bottom? Forget the nappy - nothing was stopping this torrent. Up the back, round the neck, over the head, down the legs... no surface untouched within a 2 metre radius.

After literally 45 minutes of wiping, washing, bathing, rewiping, rewashing and rebathing, I got my clean little baby back on her (now sterilised) changing mat. I felt a great sense of achievement. We had survived our first major nappy-catastrophe with relatively little carpet staining and only two sets of outfits (each). With a sigh of relief I look in to the eyes of my beautiful little girl, she looks straight back at me, the corners of her mouth start to turn up in to a heart-melting smile and then she promptly wees all over me, herself and the new clothes I had laid out. And that smile of hers? Now a full blown giggling fit!

What can you do? Laugh too... it was after all very funny (more for her than for me or the nursery carpet).

Baby’s firsts:
Poo in the hair!

Business first:
Poo on the draft accounts!

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